Craniofacial Surgery

Craniofacial disorders are abnormalities of the face or head, caused by a birth defect, disease or trauma.

Craniofacial surgery treats conditions that affect the bones and soft tissues of the face and head and small areas of an infant or child’s body and can affect how your child sees, hears, breathes, chews, swallows, and in some cases how their brain grows.

In the majority of cases, craniofacial surgeries are performed on infants and children who were born with or later develop skull or facial abnormalities.

Surgery may also be performed on someone who has sustained a traumatic injury in an accident or has a condition like a tumor or blood vessel developmental abnormality.

Craniofacial surgery techniques may be used to treat urgent, life-threatening conditions as well as important quality of life reconstructive procedures.

Procedures Include

Brow Lift/Endoscopic Brow Lift also known as a forehead lift, or browplasty, is an aesthetic surgical procedure used to elevate a drooping eyebrow that may obstruct vision and/or to remove the deep “worry” lines that run across the forehead. This procedure can be done endoscopically, using small incisions hidden in the hairline.

Facial Reshaping can be used to feminize, masculinize, or rejuvenate the face. It is customized to a patient’s goals and administered as part of a treatment program improving a patients’ skin, subcutaneous and deep fat compartments and craniofacial skeleton and revitalizes their facial appearance.

Facial Implants
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Forehead or Orbital Bone Remodeling is often considered the most important part of Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) or Facial Features Remodeling Surgery (FFRS). There are important differences between the anatomy of the skull in a man and in a woman. The forehead shape in a woman is flat, uniform & rounded. The distance between the eyebrows and the hairline is shorter than the one in a man and the brow shape describes an arch. The forehead in a man has a pronounced brow convexity in the area of the frontal sinus and orbital rims. Finally, the masculine hairline describes a typical “M” shape with areas of absent hair on the sides.

Genioplasty (chin reshaping) involves making cuts in the bone or using surgical implants to alter the underlying structure of the face, providing better balance to the facial features. The specific medical terms genioplasty and mentoplasty are used to refer to the reshaping and/or repositioning of the chin.

Post-Traumatic Reconstruction is used to restore your face to a normal, or more normal, condition. Virtually all post traumatic facial reconstruction involves repairing soft tissue injuries and bony injuries.

V Line Jaw Surgery
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